What Does the Chinese Idiom (ChengYu) “狡兔三窟” Jiǎotùsānkū Mean?

狡兔三窟 a crafty rabbit has three burrows

Hey there, folks! Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt the need to have not just one, but multiple backup plans? Like that time you planned a picnic at the park, but it started raining cats and dogs, so you decided to shift to your cosy living room.

But, surprise, surprise! A sudden power outage!

Luckily, you had plan C all set up: a delightful indoor picnic by candlelight! This “always-have-a-plan-B-and-then-some” is perfectly encapsulated in the Chinese idiom “狡兔三窟” (Jiǎotùsānkū).

Definition of 狡兔三窟

  • Traditional: 狡兔三窟
  • Simplified: 狡兔三窟
  • Pinyin: Jiǎotùsānkū
  • English: A crafty rabbit has three burrows
  • Meaning: This idiom means it’s wise to have more than one plan or solution in case of unexpected situations. Just like a crafty rabbit that has three burrows to escape from predators, it’s smart to have multiple fallback options when things go awry.

History of 狡兔三窟

The origin of this idiom comes from a book titled “Strategies of the Warring States” (Zhan Guo Ce), a classic Chinese work written during the Warring States period. The story tells of a rabbit who has three burrows. If a hunter tries to catch it, the rabbit can easily escape through one of the other burrows. The idiom uses this scenario as a metaphor for the wisdom of having multiple contingency plans.

Modern Usage of 狡兔三窟

In modern times, this idiom is often used in business or personal scenarios to emphasize the importance of having backup plans. For example, a businessperson might have multiple strategies to ensure the success of their business. Or in personal life, one might apply to several colleges or jobs to maximize the chances of success. The idiom can be used in any situation where it is prudent to have multiple options or plans in place.

Example Sentences of 狡兔三窟

Having a bit of context always helps for remembering idioms. Here’s a few example sentences of 狡兔三窟.

1. 他有狡兔三窟的打算,如果這次的計畫失敗,他還有其他的選擇。

2. 他是一個狡兔三窟的人,總是有備無患。

3. 為了考試,她狡兔三窟地報名了多門補習班。

1. Tā yǒu jiǎotù sān kū de dǎsuàn, rúguǒ zhè cì de jìhuà shībài, tā hái yǒu qítā de xuǎnzé.

2. Tā shì yīgè jiǎotù sānkū de rén, zǒngshì yǒubèi wúhuàn.

3. Tā shì yīgè jiǎotù sānkū de rén, zǒngshì yǒubèi wúhuàn.

1. 他有狡兔三窟的打算,如果这次的计划失败,他还有其他的选择。

2. 他是一个狡兔三窟的人,总是有备无患。

3. 为了考试,她狡兔三窟地报名了多门补习班。

1. He has a “crafty rabbit has three burrows” plan. If this plan fails, he has other options.

2. He is a “crafty rabbit has three burrows” kind of person, always prepared for any situation.

3. For the exam, she enrolled in multiple tutoring classes like a “crafty rabbit has three burrows”.

So next time you find yourself crafting a plan, remember the wise rabbit and its three burrows. It might just save your day!

Interested in learning even more interesting Chinese proverbs? Make sure you check out the top 20 Chinese proverbs.

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