What Does the Chinese Idiom (ChengYu) “入木三分” Rùmùsānfēn Mean?

入木三分 hit the nail on the head Chinese idiom chinese proverb chengyu

Hey there, language enthusiasts!  I have a little story to share before we dive into the juicy bits of our Chinese idiom of the day, “入木三分” (Rùmùsānfēn).

Once upon a time, I was tasked with writing a farewell card for my dearest teacher friend who was leaving Taiwan to explore the world. As a passionate teacher of Chinese, I wanted to leave a touching message that would embody my deep respect and admiration for her.

So, I reached for an idiom, a ChengYu, that would say it all, “入木三分”. This idiom was a perfect choice and you’ll soon understand why.

Definition of 入木三分

入木三分 (Simplified: 入木三分, Pinyin: Rùmùsānfēn) literally translates to “enter wood three parts”. But, as with most idioms, its literal translation doesn’t quite capture its essence. This phrase is often used to describe a penetrating critique, an argument that hits the nail on the head, or a vivid and detailed description that leaves a deep impression, just as an inscription carved deeply into wood would do.

History of 入木三分

入木三分” is a term that originated from the story of the famous calligrapher, Zhong Yao, from the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history. It’s said that Zhong Yao’s calligraphy was so forceful that it appeared as if the characters were engraved into the wood, hence the saying “入木三分”.

This phrase was later used to commend the depth and incisiveness of writings or remarks, extending to the profound and insightful expression of thoughts.

Modern Usage of 入木三分

Now, in today’s context, “入木三分” is commonly used to praise a point of view, a statement, or an analysis that is thorough, penetrating, and leaves a lasting impression. It’s similar to how we’d use “hit the nail on the head” in English. However, it’s not just limited to speech or writing.

This idiom can be used to describe any action or work that is done with such precision and depth that it leaves a strong impact.

3 Example Sentences of 入木三分

Learning how sentences are used in real life is a great way to help remember idioms like 入木三分.

1. 他的評論真是入木三分,讓我印象深刻。

2. 你的這篇文章真的入木三分,讓每個讀者都能感受到你的情感。

3. 他的分析入木三分,讓我們都明白了這個問題的實質。

1. Tā de pínglùn zhēnshi rùmùsānfēn, ràng wǒ yìnxiàng shēnkè.

2. Nǐ de zhè piān wénzhāng zhēn de rùmùsānfēn, ràng měi gè dúzhě dōu néng gǎnshòu dào nǐ de qínggǎn.

3. Tā de fēnxī rùmùsānfēn, ràng wǒmen dōu míngbái le zhège wèntí de shízhì.

1. 他的评论真是入木三分,让我印象深刻。

2. 你的这篇文章真的入木三分,让每个读者都能感受到你的情感。

3. 他的分析入木三分,让我们都明白了这个问题的实质。

1. His comment was truly incisive, leaving a deep impression on me.

2. Your article truly hits the nail on the head, allowing every reader to feel your emotions.

3. His analysis was spot on, making us all understand the essence of the problem.

So, the next time you’re in a conversation and someone makes a particularly insightful comment, why not compliment them with “入木三分”? It’s sure to make them smile and add a dash of linguistic flair to your conversation.

Remember, idioms are a great way to enhance your language skills and add depth to your expression. So, keep exploring, keep learning, and don’t forget to have fun along the way!

Want to learn Chinese and Chinese culture at the same time? Check out my list of 20 top Chinese idioms.

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